Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Materials Techniques and Processes

Health and Safety Issues when taking part in location based activities

When shooting in an outdoor environment there are many health and safety issues that should be taken into consideration when regarding personal safety as well as keeping your camera equipment undamaged. 

When considering personal safety it is always vital to pack a first aid kit before arriving at your location destination. In addition to this, it is always a good idea to wear sensible, sturdy shoes e.g walking boots, alongside spare waterproof clothing or clothing that juxtaposes with the weather conditions. Finally it is significant to always bring food and water especially in extreme weather situations e.g a heatwave.  

When considering camera equipment safety it is always helpful to create a check list of what equipment to bring alongside what will be protecting this equipment. The first most important thing to bring would be a sturdy camera bag to protect the camera itself as well as any detachable lenses which could also be of use. In addition to this, caps for your lenses and your camera are important to prevent dust getting clogged into the mechanics which could result in a distorted photograph on screen. For example I have experienced dust in my lens which created a dark black dot in all photographs that I took, this was easily resolved by using compressed air to clean the lens however previous appropriate planning could prevent this from happening in the first place.  

As long as these health and safety precautions are followed, nothing catastrophic should happen when regarding health and safety. 

Basic Compact Camera Design


Although limited, there are some advantages of a simple compact camera design compared to a DSLR. Firstly the main attraction to this type of camera is that it is easily portable and small enough to fit into hand luggage. In addition to this the main target audience is usually for the older generation who simply want to take photographs without any of the professional controls and complicated camera design. This means it is easy to use even for those who have a limited understanding of photography. 


It seems when comparing a compact camera to a DSLR the disadvantages overweigh the advantages, especially when the customer buying this product is interested in photography and are looking for professional frames. The main disadvantages of a simple compact camera is the poor lenses, which cant be replaced like a SLR as the lens is built into the camera. In addition to this compact cameras contain small, poor quality sensors which can cause digital noise on a photograph a lot more easily therefore reducing the quality of the photograph significantly. In addition to this the handing of a compact camera is quite poor as they are small and more difficult to hold in an upright straight position. 

Compact Camera Operation

It is significantly clear from this diagram that there isn't a lot of technical information when it comes to a compact camera design. This generally appeals to the older generation because of its simplistic layout and easy use of the product.

Digital SLR Camera

As you can see from the diagram, in comparison to a simple compact camera, the SLR is a lot more complicated, advanced and for professional use. Unlike a compact camera the DSLR has a detachable lens to accompany the type of photography you are shooting at that time, for example if you were to capture a photograph of an insect you would use a macro lens. 

Advantages of a DSLR

In comparison to a compact camera, the DSLR's advantages significantly over weigh the disadvantages. Firstly the DSLR has quicker shooting time, therefore it is easier to capture the perfect photograph you see right before you in time. In addition to this the photographs produced by a DSLR are much more clear, vivid and high quality in comparison to that of a compact. This also means that there is less digital noise in the photographs as the sensor inside the camera is much larger. Another advantage to a DSLR is that there is a faster focus and minimal shutter delay. Overall for a photography student a DSLR is much more reliable and what is needed for me. 

Disadvantages of a DSLR

Although in comparison to a compact camera, a DSLR is generally looked at as better, there are some disadvantages to this design which may un interest certain target audiences  One of these disadvantages is the size and weight of the camera, although it can be transported, the camera does not easily fit into hand luggage unless it is not appropriately protected. In addition to this it can seem quite difficult to use, especially for people with a limited knowledge of technology. Some simple tasks may seem more difficult as when shooting in Manual, each setting has to be set yourself according to what you want to achieve in your image. Finally one of the main reasons why some people would not want to invest in a DSLR is that because they have a big fancy camera, with not necessarily a lot of knowledge in photography, they feel the pursue of their peers to create a masterpiece with each frame they take, although in reality Photography is a very experimental topic.

Different Camera Lenses

When it comes to photography, the type of lens you use is significant to the subject in which you are actually photographing. Therefore close up photography would be shot through a different lens in comparison to if you were capturing a landscape view.    

Standard Camera Lens

This is a standard camera lens that would normally come with your DSLR when bought in store. This type of lens is for all round general photography with an average focal length  This type of lens is commonly used most commonly especially with amateur photographers.


The function of a Standard Lens

Wide Angle Lens

This is a wide angle lens for a DSLR camera. This type of lens is commonly used when shooting landscapes as more of the composition is involved in the frame, an extended view. With a wide angle lens a low aperture would give you a greater depth of field in comparison to lenses with a longer focal lens.  

The Function of a Wide Angle Lens

Long Focal length Lens

This is a long focal length lens for a DSLR camera and is commonly used for photographing subjects in the distance therefore could be used in a wildlife shoot with animals that are too vicious to get close to, or even sport where you cant get as close as what you might want. 

Long Focal Length Lens Function